I was lacking in confidence which resulted in holding me back from launching my business. Being too afraid to put myself out there, as I doubted myself and didn’t think I had the right tools needed to be successful. My mindset didn’t line-up to what I was capable of doing. After each mentoring session with Trent, I was able to grow in confidence, by transforming my mind to the “right” mindset.
✔️ From an idea.
✔️ To planning the idea.
✔️ To taking the idea and putting it into ACTION.
Because of Trent… I was ready to put myself out there. The top 5 combinations of lessons and habits I learned from working with Trent.
1- How to build my very own WordPress Website.
2- How to change my mindset and think like a WINNER. Set out to plan and give life to those new ideas by putting them into action.
3- Set myself measurable goals (weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually) no matter how small. I was amazed by what I’ve accomplished when I took the time and looked back to review how far I came along in just those tiny easy POWERFUL goals.
4- Continued to keep learning and growing.
5- Not to stress over how successful others are compared to me, when I don’t know if they had help, a network of people supporting them, or how long it took them to get to where they are. FOCUS ON WHAT I AM DOING. With Trent as my mentor the most valuable experiences were:
1- Personally treating me as if I counted. Example: His method isn’t a one-size-fits-all mentorship. He meets you where you are in your thought process, with patience he’ll assist you in working out your challenges. Working with Trent gave me the tools to empower myself. The wisdom to identify the problems and how to come up with a solution on how to resolve any issues.
2. The highlights I came away with from his mentoring sessions are:
✔️ Independent.
✔️ I am able to achieve my goals.
✔️ WordPress skills.